Category: Music

According to The Cudi’s Tumblr Page, he has given up the ganja to live a more productive focused life! If this isn’t an April’s fools joke I will be shocked.

“I dont smoke weed anymore. Ill leave it to the kids. Im 27 with a business to run and i need to be alert and focused with my mind strong. For those who still get it on, smoke one in my memory as your favorite lonely stoner.

This is not a joke. I know most of you wanna see me all drugged out and fucked up and i know misery loves company, but im sorry those days are over. I had a good run, Amsterdam and all. Im happy being sober. Im happy being a new me. Giva fuck who thinks of me different, you didnt care about me in the first place if you cant be proud and happy for me for growing and starting a new chapter. Im not your puppet or your tap dancing drug addict here to be your miserable muse, i always made music for me to help myself find understanding. I have finally learned from the words in my songs. I love who loves me and who really cares about me.

Learn from this, theres always light at the end of the tunnel. Hell does have an exit, and i found it. For those who are looking for a way out, i left the door open, and ill be waiting for whoever wants to grow with me. Peace and Love, Cudi.”




Hot track I was just put on

Now playing: Cyhi Da Prynce – All A Dream
via FoxyTunes

Album Cover could be brightest spot of album

well its been a few days and I’ve tried to let the new Wiz Khalifa album, “Rolling Papers,” grow on me. Fortunately it has but that only pushed it from a 3/5 to a strong 3.5/5 . Sounds harsh but allow me to air out the kush clouds on this one.I knew I was in for a little disappointment when the anticipated single “Roll Up,” dropped . The song is truly catchy but so are Ke$ha and Jason Derulo songs. The Taylor Gang sound was completely lost in the Top 40 feel and poorly sung hook by Mr. Khalifa himself. Not doggin’ him for singing though, we can’t all be Drake right?

The overall feel and theme of the album, surprisingly for wiz (who usually sticks to entire Mixtapes  devoted to one of his favorite pastime), lacked a true theme to me. I mean of course RP has its marijuana laced tracks a plenty, with some pretty delightful guest appearances (Currensy, too-short, and Chevy woods) but this song seems like it went through several cycles of the Record Label commercialization blender. Honestly the most noteworthy song would still be Black and Yellow, even if it wasn’t force-fed to America for the last 6 months.

Noteworthy, however, does not crown Black and Yellow as the best track on RP luckily. The Race (see Link below) is Wiz’s best showing on RP, but that also disappoints since it was a previously released mixtape track, and we know how much that sucks when mixtape tracks make our favorite artist’s album. The Race is a prime example of the Production angle of RP, which I do actually appreciate. I did fear it would be riddled with a few random Lex Luger beats to appease the thug shoppers, but alas. the wake-and-bake feel flows pretty smoothly through all 14 tracks.

To sum up Rolling papers in a sentence…. Rolling Papers sounds like a less focused, overly commercial, but ambitious Kid Cudi mixtape previous Man on the moon II.

Wiz Khalifa feat. Curren$y- Rooftops

The Race by Wiz Khalifa

Overall the Album is a decent first album for an artist who hasn’t reached his peak in popularity, skill, or success.

Now for The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Rolling Papers

The Good:

Entire CD is listenable which is RARE. Songs like The Race, Top Floor, Cameras, and Wake up show the strengths of Wiz on this album and really raised his score that .5!

The Bad:

after listening to the album straight through, I forgot what I had just listened to. Truly a “safe” freshman album. and WHERE WAS MAC MILLER?! Honestly 4 stars if a dope Miller/Khalifa joint was added to the finished product.

The Ugly:

The amount of untapped potential this album had.

Most autobiographies are nothing more than somnolent diatribes about how great someone’s life was. They double as expensive sleeping pills—and lousy pillows. When someone can tell his or her life story in a compelling way, it’s laudable. When someone can tell that story and have you nodding your head to a Neptunes beat, then you have something else.

Remember “Grindin’”? If you’re over the age of 12 and are a hip-hop head like the GOB, you likely remember that classic track, which featured memorable verses—featuring dozens of slightly veiled allusions to slinging— and arguably the best hip-hop beat ever. The sincere authenticity and tightly wound lyricism of both brothers, Malice and Pusha T, made The Clipse recognizable on that track and their other Neptunes collaborations. They give almost equal sides to the glamor and the terror that are the drug game of Virginia. If you want a five-minute recap of the entire Wire series, listen to “Door Man.

Having signed to Ye’s G.O.O.D. label as a solo artist, I wondered if Pusha T would be able to stand on his own, apart from his brother’s lyrics and wit as well as apart from the friendly confines of the Star Trak’s enterprises. Fear of God proves that he can and will thrive riding solo. He just doesn’t miss on any verse— rather he doesn’t miss on any line. He’s at his strongest when he’s rapping about the similar themes that made him a star with The Clipse (e.g., cooking, dealing and buying coke). I recommend “My God,” “Feeling Myself,” and “Raid,” which includes a single-worthy hook by Pharrell.

The best hip-hop album I’ve heard this year, Fear of God is worth the download and full listen.

Score: 7.5 out of 10 THUNDERSTICKS

Now playing: Pusha T – I Still Wanna Rock feat Rick Ross & Ab
via FoxyTunes